Peer Review Policy

The Journal of Pedagogy and Social Research employs a double-blind peer review process before publishing newly submitted manuscripts. This means that the authors and reviewers do not know each other's identities.

To facilitate this, authors must ensure that their manuscript is prepared in a way that does not reveal their identity. Submissions should include the article file and the title page as two separate files. Author identification details (name, affiliation, funding source, and acknowledgments) should only be included in the title page file. In the article text, make sure to remove any identifying information such as names, affiliations, funding sources, and acknowledgments.

All submissions are initially assessed by the Editorial Board for their suitability for the journal and checked for similarity to previously published works (we use Turnitin for this purpose).

Articles with all positive reviews will undergo proofreading by a native English speaker before their final acceptance. The Editorial Board has full responsibility for determining the final decision regarding the acceptance or rejection of articles, and their decisions are final. The entire article review process takes a minimum of two months, with the minimum stages and durations indicated in the scheme below: