Restorative Justice Offer For Money Laundering Cases: Case Study in West Kotawaringin District, Central Kalimantan
Restorative Justice, Offer, Money LaunderingAbstract
The combating of money laundering crimes has become an important issue within the context of law and social justice. The purpose of this research is to analyze the application of restorative justice in handling money laundering cases, specifically within the West Kotawaringin District of Central Kalimantan. Through a multi-perspective analysis, this research explores how restorative principles can be applied within the framework of Islamic law to provide fairer and more effective solutions. The research method employed includes interview, literature review and normative analysis of Islamic legal texts as well as law enforcement policies. The findings indicate that the restorative approach can not only reduce the incidence of money laundering but also reinforce the values of justice and rehabilitation for offenders. Thus, this article offers a significant contribution to the development of both theory and practice in combating money laundering within the framework of Islamic law. However, this study expands the discourse on restorative justice by applying it to financial crimes, a domain where it is less frequently explored. It challenges the conventional perception of money laundering as a strictly punitive matter, offering new insights into its resolution.
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