Mathematics teaching program to become a professional teacher in the digital era: Recent developments
Teacher Professionalism, Mathematics Teacher, Digital Era Mathematics TeacherAbstract
This paper presents a systematic literature review aimed at exploring the initiatives undertaken to enhance the professionalism of mathematics teachers in the digital era. Utilizing Scopus as a source, we meticulously selected 7,570 articles based on specific keywords relevant to our research focus. Through a rigorous elimination process guided by defined criteria, we distilled these to 15 pivotal studies that specifically address the augmentation of mathematics teachers' professionalism. Our findings illuminate the evolving landscape of educational practices, particularly highlighting how educational practitioners are increasingly integrating technology to foster professional growth among mathematics teachers. This paper not only showcases various digital learning innovations but also offers a comprehensive analysis of the current state of mathematics teachers' professionalism, thereby contributing valuable insights into the intersection of education, technology, and professional development in the realm of mathematics teaching.
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