Optimizing citizenship education for ecological awareness: Analysis of the effectiveness of the lihat sampah ambil (LISA) program in environmental conservation
Civic education, ecological awareness, environmental conservation, LISA programAbstract
Given that the problems associated with waste pollution can result in air pollution and even natural disasters, waste pollution is an intriguing topic to examine. According to a number of estimates, Indonesia will produce 67 tons of waste in 2020, and this amount would likely rise annually. In order to prevent and develop students' environmentally caring character from an early age, it is necessary to create an environmental awareness formation program in the secondary school environment. This problem arises from a lack of public awareness and concern for the surrounding environment. To take this preventive action, SMP Dharma Pancasila Medan established the LISA (Lihat Sampah Ambil) initiative. This application was made based on the ideas of the PPKn teacher at the school. The LISA program has been running for one year at Dharma Pancasila Middle School in Medan. The implementation of the LISA program at Dharma Pancasila Middle School in Medan received positive results, although at the beginning of the implementation of this program there were several common problems that arose from students and teachers at the school. However, within one year of implementing the LISA program, the environment at Dharma Pancasila Middle School is now much cleaner than before, and there is no longer any rubbish scattered around the school environment.
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