Aims and Scope

Tech in Learning is an international peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the advancement of technology in the field of education. The journal is published three times a year (April, August, and December). Tech in Learning publishes original research and review articles that explore the integration and impact of technology on learning processes, educational methodologies, and educational outcomes. The journal serves as a platform for researchers, educators, and practitioners to share their innovative work and insights on how technology can enhance teaching and learning experiences.

Tech in Learning encourages researchers to submit their original research articles and review articles on topics including but not limited to:

  • Educational Technology
  • E-learning and Online Education
  • Digital Pedagogies
  • Learning Analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence in Education
  • Virtual and Augmented Reality in Learning
  • Gamification in Education
  • Mobile Learning
  • Educational Software and Tools
  • Technology-Enhanced Learning Environments

All articles published in Tech in Learning are peer-reviewed and published online for immediate access and citation.