Rural Development Management Strategy In Empowerment In Neglasari Pakenjeng Garut, West Java


  • Asep Dadang South Indonesian Ocean School of Social and Political Sciences, Indonesia



Development, Management Strategy, Empowerment


The goal of national development is to develop Indonesian people as a whole and comprehensively. There are more rural communities in every country, including Indonesia, than urban communities, so they need a development management strategy to manage them. Neglasari Pakenjeng Garut, West Java is one of the rural areas located in a mountainous location, so it requires a development planning arrangement as a form of public service. Based on the results of research using descriptive methodology with the title: "Rural Development Management Strategy for Empowerment in Neglasari Pakenjeng Garut, West Java ", it can result in improvements in the fields of education and the economy.


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How to Cite

Dadang, A. (2023). Rural Development Management Strategy In Empowerment In Neglasari Pakenjeng Garut, West Java. Teumulong: Journal of Community Service, 1(2), 92–97.