Author Guidelines Peer Review Policy Reviewers Publication Ethics Article Processing Charges Plagiarism Policy Open Access Statement Indexing
Peer Review Policy
All submitted articles will be initially reviewed by the editorial staff. Manuscripts from authors will be checked for plagiarism levels using Plagiarism Checker or Turnitin software. Manuscripts with plagiarism scores exceeding 25% will be immediately rejected and returned to the authors.
Articles that are deemed not in accordance with the journal's criteria will be rejected without undergoing external review. Articles that meet the journal's criteria and have the potential to be of interest to readers will be sent to reviewers using the "Double-blind review" system. Reviewers' comments will then be sent to the authors for necessary actions and responses. The suggested decisions by reviewers will be evaluated during an editorial board meeting. Subsequently, the editor will send the final decision to the authors accordingly.
Authors are welcome to suggest at least three potential reviewers, including their names and email addresses. However, the decision to determine the appropriate reviewers is at the editor's discretion.